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January 30, 2009
I Think I'm Going To Take Up Potato Farming Instead
Sorry about that, everyone.
The web server dropped dead. No error messages, and restarting it just gave me more of the same. Or rather, no more of the same.
Brought out the big guns - rebooted (which failed, for reasons as yet unexplained), rebooted off a rescue kernel, ran a full filesystem check (all A-OK), even fired up the KVM-over-IP tool (which SUCKS) to watch the boot process.
Nada. Everything was fine, except for that fact that it didn't work.
Read the documentation until I found a way to run the web server in debug mode. Then, at last, it gave me an error message: File size limit exceeded. What file? What size limit? Didn't say.
But I took a guess, and there it was: the error log had reached exactly 2GB, after 483 days of operation, and down it all went. Zapped the error log and we're back on the air.
Potatoes don't have error logs.
P.S. Comments are back online now too.
P.P.S. The server was fricking down and we still seemed to get comment spam. Dust off and nuke them from orbit. Even then you can't be sure, but mushroom clouds of evaporating spammers give me the warm fuzzies.

posted by Pixy Misa at
02:29 PM
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