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January 27, 2009
Good News...Climate Change Is "Largely Irreversible"!
Hey, what's done is done. There's no use in crying over spilt milk, it's water over the dam and all of that. So why bother trying to do anything about it? Clearly there's no need to wreck what's left of our economy on a fools errand, right?
Climate change is "largely irreversible" for the next 1,000 years even if carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions could be abruptly halted, according to a new study led by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
The study's authors said there was "no going back" after the report showed that changes in surface temperature, rainfall and sea level are "largely irreversible for more than 1,000 years after CO2 emissions are completely stopped."
NOAA senior scientist Susan Solomon said the study, published in this week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, showed that current human choices on carbon dioxide emissions are set to "irreversibly change the planet."
Of course this all nonsense but hey, it's fun to throw it back in their Gaia worshiping faces.
Related: God still hates Al Gore.

posted by DrewM. at
11:54 AM
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