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January 20, 2009
Haiku Contest...The New Era Edition
Bumped by ace, as it got buried far too quickly. I missed out on the haiku-age.
What better way is there to celebrate the return of America's greatness than a Haiku contest? Haikus are of course a form of Japanese poetry (we are now part of the world again so it's okay if everything isn't American all the time) which follows the 5-7-5 syllable format.
Show the world how much you love our new President in verse!
Here are mine:
Po-TUS Obama
America the best
Bush goes to jail now
Trust in Obama
All your worries gone forever
Bush goes to jail now
Barack is dreamy
Sorry Iraq we leave soon
Bush goes to jail now
Can't wait to see yours!
Thanks to Sluobama for the seal!

posted by DrewM.from52to48withlove at
06:51 PM
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