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January 11, 2009
Freshy Fresh New Moron Meetups Thread
Bump & Update [Gabe]:
Announcing a Pre-Inaugural Moron Meetup in Los Angeles to take place next Saturday, January 17 starting at 7:30pm. It's going to be on the West Side and I'm changing the location from last time. If you want to come, email me at gabriel.malor@[the google email].com and I will send you the name of the location. If you already sent me an email, you should get something back from me shortly.
Come and raise a glass for the President. Then we'll drown our sorrows about the President-elect. Also, somebody can tell me what's the big freakin' deal about Gran Torino.
Other-than-L.A.-readers should check out the comments and blankminde's map to see about other meetups.
Original Post:
Ahhh, it has that new thread smell.
It's important for morons to get together occasionally and sniff butts. Please use this thread to correspond and trade email addies or discuss dates.
The Connecticut Morons will be meeting in Stamford on a Saturday night before the end of this month (precise date yet to be determined).
If you are in or near CT and would like to attend, please email me at: ctmorons AT gmail DOT com.
I'd like to get a real big group of us together, since it's a nifty place and sassypants offered to pay for the whole thing. We should probably all fast for a couple days beforehand, too.
Blankminde's nifty map with regional contact info. below the fold. I can't seem to get my dot to show up.
If you would like to create a new regional group and therefore a new point on the map, email blankminde.
And don't forget to thank him for being awesome.
View Larger Map

posted by Laura. at
12:41 AM
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