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January 09, 2009
The Highest Crane Operator in the World (genghis)
Today I received one of the wildest photos I've ever seen, courtesy of Pocono Joe. There is no link or story, and due to its size I've tucked it below the fold. It's regarding the boom crane operater for the Burj Dubai building, the tallest building in the world and currently under construction.
I dunno' anything about BCS football games, so for a refreshing change of pace, here's the caption above the photo:
"Babu Sassi, a fearless young man from southern India is the cult hero of Dubai's army of construction workers. Known as the "Indian on the top of the world", Babi is the crane operator at the world's tallest building the 819-meter (2,687 ft) Burj Dubai. His office, the cramped crane cab perched
on top of the Burj, is also his home apparently it takes too long to come
down to the ground each day to make it worthwhile. When the building is
completed, its elevators will be the world's fastest."
"Stories about his daily dalliance with death are discussed in revered terms
by Dubai's workers. Some say he has been up there for more than a year,
others whisper that he's paid 30,000 dirhams ($8,168) a month compared with
the average wage of 800 dirhams a month. All agree he's worth it."
Pic down yonder. Seriously, go look at it.
Minor update: Just to give you a little perspective, the WTC twin towers were about 1,350 feet tall. Slightly more than half the height of this building

posted by xgenghisx at
12:02 AM
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