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January 07, 2009
Surprise: ANSWER Refuses to Condemn Anti-Semitism at Their Rallies
Go figure.
The protest organizers, asked to comment on the woman's overt call for Jewish extermination, said she was "insensitive" but refused to condemn her statement.
"She does not represent the opinions of the vast majority of people who were there," said Emmanuel Lopez, who helped plan the event, one of many sponsored nationwide on Dec. 30 by the ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism ) Coalition.
Lopez, a state coordinator for ANSWER, admitted there is a problem with anti-Semitism within his organization's ranks. But then he went on to call the supporters of Israel across the street "barbaric, racist" Zionist terrorists.
"Zionism in general is a barbaric, racist movement that really is the cause of the situation in the entire Middle East," Lopez said.
The unidentified woman, who protest organizers said was a Muslim, wasn't the only protester who raised hackles that day. Other demonstrators held signs that said "Nuke Israel," and a number made comparisons to the Holocaust, accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.
Antisemitism at ANSWER rallies? Wonder
what gave him
that idea? Sample of chant at the "Global Day of Action" rally in March of 2006:
"Long live Palestine!
Long live the Intifada!
Long live the Intifada!
Intifada Intifada!
Intifada Intifada!
Free free Palestine!
Free free Palestine!
Long live Palestine!
Long live Palestine!
Long live the Intifada!
Long live the Intifada!
Intifada Intifada!
Intifada Intifada!"
But I guess those people only represent a small part of those who attend ANSWER rallies.
It's nice to see Lopez admit the bleedin' obvious regarding his group and antisemitism. Would be even better, though, if he managed to actually gin up some outrage over it.

posted by Slublog at
11:40 AM
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