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January 06, 2009
The Battle For Iraq…The Next Phase
Yesterday Ace blogged about Harry Reid taking credit for the victory in Iraq. Now, we all know Harry’s main contribution to winning was working really hard for our defeat. Unfortunately history can be a fickle thing, especially when it’s written by the left. It’s going to take vigilance to ensure that the true story of Iraq is told.
Thus Spake Ortner at This Ain’t Hell contributes to the cause (again) by reviewing, well smacking down, WINTER SOLDIER: Eyewitness Accounts of the Occupations.
To warm up, TSO quotes and then dissects a contribution by Iraq veteran Cpl Jason Washburn.
“I remember one woman walking by,” said Jason Washburn, a corporal in the US Marines who served three tours in Iraq. “She was carrying a huge bag, and she looked like she was heading toward us, so we lit her up with the Mark 19, which is an automatic grenade launcher, and when the dust settled, we realized that the bag was full of groceries. She had been trying to bring us food and we blew her to pieces.”
If I need to even tell you how ridiculous the story is above, you probably shouldn’t be here. Hey Jason, if you blew up the woman, and her groceries, who is the guy who did the post mortem and figured out she was delivering them to you? And if she was bringing it to you, why was she walking “by”? What day did this happen on? Who else was there? AND WHY THE F WOULD YOU USE A MK19 ON AN UNARMED LADY?
Washburn is full of crap, and so is the rest of this book…
And then
TSO really gets going on the book and its publisher, which proudly touts that it produces the magazine, International Socialist Review. It's good when the enemy clearly identifies themselves.
I’m not sure how old this book is and I doubt too many people have read it but I think it’s important to smack the hell out of this shit wherever we find it. 35 years ago there wasn’t a Rush Limbaugh show, a Fox News or the rightosphere. The narrative after Vietnam became those who served were broken men, men who were nothing but mind numbed baby killers. We shouldn’t and can’t let this happen again. Too many good men and women sacrificed too much to achieve victory when so many at home and abroad fought for their defeat.
The left needs to and wants to believe the worst about America, her soldiers and the success in Iraq. If they don't de-legitimize all three then their agenda of 'there are no enemies, just thugs we haven't hugged and caved into yet' will be exposed for the dangerous joke that it is.
On a somewhat related note, TSO and the gang over at This Ain’t Hell are finalists in the Weblog Awards' Milblog category and so are a couple of other sites that have provided a lot of critical information which has percolated up to the broader appeal blogs like AoS HQ.
Personally, I’ll be rotating my daily vote between Blackfive, This Ain’t Hell and Opfor. I’ve raided them all for content at one point or another and think they each do a great job.

posted by DrewM. at
03:39 PM
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