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January 01, 2009
Evangelical Atheist Newdow Sues (Again) over Inauguration
I'm shocked.
In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Washington, the plaintiffs demand that the words "so help me God" not be added to the end of the president's oath of office.
In addition, the lawsuit objects to plans for ministers to deliver an invocation and a benediction in which they may discuss God and religion.
The suit asserts that the plaintiffs are faced with the terrible dilemma of having to watch a ceremony that will "exclude" and "stigmatize" them because it contains religious components, and that this places them an awful, untenable position (to watch, and suffer these indignities, or miss out on the completely awesome awesomeness of it all).
Allow me to retort. You exclude and stigmatize yourselves with your idiotic theatrics and perpetual aggrievement lawsuits. Also, you're a bunch of knuckleheads.
Is "knuckleheads" too harsh? They are showing some sense of proportion and reasonableness in the affair. They're not suing Obama.
Newdow told CNN that he didn't name President-elect Barack Obama in the suit because in addition to participating as a government official at the ceremony, he possesses rights as an individual that allow him to express religious beliefs.
Never mind that he selected the speakers (and the Lincoln bible). He's expressing rights as an individual, certainly not acting as the newly sworn Chief Executive of the whole friggin country.
Incidentally, there's a reason I swiped used ace's qualifier "evangelical" atheist. Mostly that the rest of us get along just fine, respectfully, and we don't sue each other over stupid shit.
I know most of you get that, I'm just puttin it out there. If you don't like it, you can send it right back. I wanna be on you.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:37 AM
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