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December 19, 2008
Minnesota Recount Update
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune has a running tally of the results.
As of Friday, 10:38 am (CST), Al Franken is ahead by 120 votes.
(h/t: Hot Air)
Remember, Though [ace]: These vote tallies are off because a significant pile of Coleman votes (and some Franken votes) aren't being counted yet due to challenges. Only when the challenged votes are ruled upon, or the challenges withdrawn, are they counted. A Coleman aid predicted this shift yesterday based on the fact that Coleman was withdrawing a bunch of challenges, so those votes, previously uncounted, went directly to Franken.
Now most of these challenges are going to be pretty stupid and will not pan out. So just because Franken is holding on to a greater number of dumb challenges, thus keeping those votes (for now) from Coleman's column, doesn't mean things will remain that way.
Obviously, though, Democrats have an amazing win record when it comes to close elections.

posted by Slublog at
11:43 AM
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