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December 01, 2008
No Fat Chicks: Modeling Agencies Turning Away Miss UK for Being Too Chubby
Cheesecake photo (light non-nude but high-sexy content warning) below the fold. You be the judge.
Another pic at the link.
In related news, heterosexual men continue being blamed for foisting impossible standards of beauty upon women, causing them shame and anguish and eating disorders, despite the fact the rail-thin-is-in fashion industry is dominated by women and gay men, with the occasional one-in-five straight photographer who thanks Jesus every day that he ignored his parents' suggestion he go into accounting.
In other related news, I'm beating my dick like it's Apollo Creed and I'm Ivan Drago. I must break you.
I'm even wearing a scary-looking black mouthguard. Just to intimidate it.
Update: Just to think-- five minutes ago my dick was dancing around to James Brown's Living in America.
Now look at it. On the mat, quivering in death-spasms.
It wasn't an exhibition, comrade.