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November 20, 2008
Disputed Votes in Minnesota: You Be the (Election) Judge
A few silly challenges by Coleman, but I'm pretty sure those are defensive challenges to counter Franken's many silly challenges.
On one card, the voter clearly and fully fills the bubble for Independent Dean Barkley, and has clearly erased some sort of a mark by Franken's name.
Franken's claim? Clearly a vote for Franken.
Take the quiz. And compare to Allah's answers.
In some cases the quiz is misleading, or directs you to a conclusion -- for example, calling an ambiguous z-on-its-side shape a "checkmark" already puts it in one's head it's a checkmark for Franken. Except it's not a checkmark, and in any event, a checkmark doesn't really count. (The circle around the block on the side is better evidence -- just saying, calling this a checkmark already decides what is under contention.)
As for the No ballot... well, two ovals are filled in. Can't count it. As for the "NO" -- how about "NO" vote? How is it unambiguous that this guy intended to vote for Franken?