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November 22, 2008
More on that Ziegler vid [krakatoa]
I meant to get this out earlier this week, but I hold to my commitment for open-blogging like Ace holds onto his Val-u-Rite. (they both end up in a smelly steaming pile of slop on LauraW's shoes.)
A follow-up by the man who created the How Obama Got Elected video has been posted. I think you'll find it very interesting in that it answers his critics quite nicely.
For instance:
"You are a conservative who doesn't like Obama so this is not credible"
This is my "favorite" liberal canard in these situations. They don't like the answers so they go all "Joe the Plumber" on the questioner. What my political beliefs have to do with the answers that Obama voters gave to simple questions that were recorded by cameras and independent pollsters is beyond me. So I guess the only way this experiment would be credible is if I were a liberal black lesbian??
Facts and information exist independently of party affiliation. The tendency by well-meaning people to ignore this basic reality has been a frustration of mine from my first awakening to the post-modernist, relativist movement that has infected what used to pass for reasoned debate in this country.
Instead of addressing differences in perspective as applied to the underlying realities, all too often we are told that the underlying "reality" being claimed is completely suspect due to some nefarious connection with the wrong political party; so you can never really know the truth; and really, how arrogant must you be to claim to know "THE TRUTH" anyway; oh, and here's a fun bit of trivia -- Joe the Plumber isn't really a licensed plumber.
All distractions from the facts that gravity sucks, water is wet, and Obama said "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." The first two facts are pretty commonly known. The third might have caught the interest of an objective news operation.
In our media-driven society, the mass-media are the default gatekeepers of the facts and information. What they choose to present to us, and how they choose to frame it, have significant impact on our understanding of how the world is.
Unlike many, deep down I don't think this demonstrates a particular stupidity on the part of the masses. They simply are ignorant, and far too willing to let someone else do the heavy lifting on the task of research and analysis into those issues that don't immediately affect their day-to-day plans.
At least that's what I tell myself to help sleep better at nights.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:59 AM
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