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October 30, 2008
McCain Within Three in Fox Poll; Democratic Generic Edge Narrows to Four
Fox: McCain gains five.
Generic Democratic preference halved from 8 to 4.
It's winnable. Sign up for GOTV and phone banking.
By the way, does anyone know how to download YouTube videos? My Big Idea for GOTV canvassers to tote around laptops with key videos downloaded -- Barney Frank and the Democrats "rolling the dice" on subsidized housing, "What Happened," Let Freedom Ring's supbrime ad, and of course Obama's redistributive justice interview.
My idea is that you can tell people this all you want -- but video is proof.
If someone can download these for me, I can then upload them to my servers, so canvassers can then download them on to their laptops and bring the information out to the low-information voters you'll be talking to.
I'm trying to get the McCain camp officially onboard with this so that most of their canvassers do this, but they don't really listen to me much. Fingers crossed on this one.
Okay... F. is going to rip and upload these.
Apart from the ones I've mentioned, what else do you think should be on someone's laptop? Bear in mind people will only have about ten or fifteen minutes to make the sale, so these have to be very-high impact vids -- and short.
Zamzar.com seems to convert files. I'll see about doing some tonight.