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October 28, 2008
Tokyo Peg? [someone]
This piece at PJM starts out by telling us what I've been saying all along about the Palin-bashing "right":
Palin is reviled by Beltway insiders — conservative and liberal alike — because she’s not one of them and has made it clear that she doesn’t want to be. And some conservative insiders, being a minority, may be afraid that if Obama wins they’ll be, according to Charles Krauthammer, “left out in the cold without a single state dinner for the next four years.” Rush Limbaugh agrees, saying, “this is about the social structure of Washington.” So they feel the need to establish their bona fides before it’s too late.
But this I didn't guess, though perhaps I should have:
[O]ne of my sources, who is very well connected, tells me that Noonan was at first rumored to be looking to write a regular column for the New York Times. [...] But the rumor has escalated beyond the Times and gone straight to the White House: my same source says now the word is that Noonan may be being courted for the job of press secretary for an Obama administration.
Yes, she welcomes our new insect overlords.
Read the whole piece, actually.
Update: Meanwhile, a woman who's actually met Sarah Palin basically calls her a super-genius.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:46 PM
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