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October 28, 2008
Michelle Obama: She Shops At J. Crew, She's Better Than Sarah Palin [Vinnie]
With bonus empathy!
Obama said she and her husband had a policy of spending their own money on their clothes. But she said she wanted to be "empathetic."
"A V.P. pick, it's like being shot out of a cannon. All of a sudden you're at the center of attention, and you want to look good," said Michelle Obama, adding she has never met Palin. "You're living in your home, minding your business, and all of a sudden you're on the national stage and everyone's watching."
Can you say jealous? Sarah Palin gets a measly $150,000 in totally hot, awesome, sexy thigh boots clothes and poor old Michelle MyBelle is stuck with J. Crew and shopping online. Wah fucking wah, coming from the campaign that's spent A HALF A FUCKING BILLION DOLLARS ALREADY!!!! Give me a fucking break.
That's my take, at least. This story has condescension written all over it. But, wait, how does this benefit Michelle Obama's children? Not at all, they're suffering, absolutely distraught over Dad's multimillion dollar half hour ad coming up:
Ten-year-old Malia's reaction to her father's plans to air a 30-minute paid advertisement on national TV Wednesday night?
"'You're going to be on all the TV? Are you going to interrupt my TV?'" her mother said Malia asked.
She said Barack Obama reassured his daughter that he hadn't purchased time on the Disney Channel.
That's right, little Malia, you're leftist indoctrination by Disney would never be co-opted by the leftist indoctrination your dad is trying to foist on the rest of us.
Uh, everyone else is doing Open Blog Posts. Ace? Help here?

posted by xgenghisx at
12:07 AM
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