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October 25, 2008
Open Thread Just Because Of Boredom
Hey guys, what's up?

Yeah, that's a spider eating a bird. Click the pic for the story.
Australia, of course. Part of me has always wanted to see Australia, and part of me- the part that recoils from pictures of terrifyingly huge fucking spiders eating tweety birds- says Connecticut is just as lovely as anyplace on Earth right now.
How are my darling AOSHQ Morons this morning? What's shakin', besides your hungover hands as you reach for the coffeepot?
Hey, idea: if you have something from your own blog you'd like to promote, you can use this here thread for that. We haven't had one of these free-for-alls in a long time.
Please use a link + excerpt format so that we can see what the topic is before we click.

posted by Laura. at
11:01 AM
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