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"We’ll look for such a story [about donation fraud] from our various wire services. Thanks." »
October 24, 2008
It Can Happen In The General Election Too
Hillary supporters complained widely that unfair, repressive and even outright thuggish tactics were used to deprive them of the right to register their preference during the Democrat Primaries.
It has been mentioned here and elsewhere that when you go to vote, you should hang around nearby for a while and simply observe the situation.
Bring video recording equipment. Be respectful and unobtrusive.
You could even call up your municipality and volunteer to work the polls, and get a worm's eye view of the goings-on. Pay attention.
Every incremental contribution to fraud that Obama's folks racked up netted them an illegitimate victory.
Every small effort on the part of honest citizens can similarly add up to a massive movement to help keep elections legitimate.
And don't let anybody keep you from exercising your right to vote.

posted by Laura. at
05:30 PM
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