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October 23, 2008
Bitter Gun-Clinging Organization Points out Obama's Real Record on 2nd Amendment
Barack Obama has tried to claim he's in favor of an individual right to own firearms.
The NRA has discovered his record tells a different story, and now they're pointing it out in ads, in this month's issue of "American Rifleman" and on the web. Here are some choice quotes by The One:
"I am consistently on record and will continue to be on record as opposing concealed carry." - Obama, Chicago Tribune, April 27, 1994
"...just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right..." - 2008 Philadelphia primary debate
Obama supports higher taxes on gun sales, a ban on handgun ownership and bans on commonly-used ammunition. Basically, all backdoor ways to ban gun ownership. Sure, he'll let you "own" a gun. As long as you don't actually intend to
use the horrible thing.
And let's not forget his work for the Joyce Foundation.
Is there anything this guy won't lie about?*
*yeah, that's rhetorical.
Update - Via Rightwingsparkle, this letter from Rich Pearson, chief lobbyist for the Illinois State Rifle Association:
I lobbied Barack Obama extensively while he was an Illinois State Senator. As a result of that experience, I know Obama's attitudes toward guns and gun owners better than anyone. The truth be told, in all my years in the Capitol I have never met a legislator who harbors more contempt for the law-abiding firearm owner than does Barack Obama.
Although Obama claims to be an advocate for the 2nd Amendment, his voting record in the Illinois Senate paints a very different picture. While a state senator, Obama voted for a bill that would ban nearly every hunting rifle, shotgun and target rifle owned by Illinois citizens. That same bill would authorize the state police to raid homes of gun owners to forcibly confiscate banned guns. Obama supported a bill that would shut down law-abiding firearm manufacturers including Springfield Armory, Armalite, Rock River Arms and Les Baer. Obama also voted for a bill that would prohibit law-abiding citizens from purchasing more than one gun per month.
Without a doubt, Barack Obama has proven himself to be an enemy of the law abiding firearm owner. At the same time, Obama has proven himself to be a friend to the hardened criminal. While a state senator, Obama voted 4 times against legislation that would allow a homeowner to use a firearm in defense of home and family.
Read the whole thing, then pass the letter on to any gun-owning friends who may be considering a vote for The One.

posted by Slublog at
09:43 AM
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