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October 21, 2008
Life Under One-Party Rule (genghis)
Subtitled: Get used to it.
I for one welcome our new Democratic (sic) Overlords. It’s been working out just great in the Pacific Northwest these past four years. They’ve been quite benevolent leaders, except for a couple of (thousand) items.
This is from a local radio talk show host, Dori Monson, who captured the essence of the mindset behind government hiring and spending. The Washington Dept. of Transportation pulled down the job posting, for a “Financial Manager” position, after it was exposed, but here’s how it starts out:
”Have you ever dreamt of the day that you had millions of dollars and where to spend it? Did you think about where and how you would spend it.”
Screen capture of the job posting at the link, and it goes on and on from there. I’m thinking about applying for the job myself. Looks like it pays better than the scraps I get from Ace (who also makes me work overtime and on the weekends), plus when I asked him “how do I get out of this chickenshit outfit,” he referred to me as “Hicks.” You'd think by now he knows my name is "Hudson," but whatever. Gunnery Sgt. Hartman was not pleased with my antics. NCOs on the Galactica really don’t put up with much bullshit like that.
But never mind that. The City of Seattle is also, in the words of my little radio buddy, continuing its Jihad on cars. This after the incident a few months back where rabid bicyclists attacked a motorist for daring to actually drive on the street. Take a look at the sign on the link and then spend an hour or so scratching your head (or your crab lice infestation) on this one. (SDOT, (i.e. Seattle Dept. of Transportation,) has also changed its press release after scrutiny, but the original text is preserved on the link)
Whatever. It’s local. But it’s a microcosm of what’s headed your way in the very near future. Or nationally. Perhaps globally. Faced with these circumstances, there’s really only one question to ask, assuming you can dig it:
What would Cyrus Do?

posted by xgenghisx at
03:02 AM
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