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October 19, 2008
Update: Not Only Did Obama and Ayers (and Communist Party Leader Mike Klonsky) Work in the Same Office -- It Was a Small Office
Newsbusters uses Google earth to find the office building-- but it's not there anymore, it's been demolished.
However, one can see from the footprint it wasn't any bigger than 50 x 50.
"Crossing paths?" I'd say fucking so.
I'd like everyone to now ponder that this information -- the shared office, the "favorite book," Obama mentioned in Ayers' book -- is now proven via documents. It's not merely heresay -- it's proven.
And yet no one in the MSM will report it.
Even FoxNews isn't reporting it -- which pisses me off, because I know at least one Fox guy reads this site.
Greta, Greta -- you kinda-liberal gal who has surprised and delighted us all by being among the first to pick up on dextrosphere blog buzz. Greta, this seems kind of important, doesn't it?
And on the Congressional Side... In 2006 the media was very, erm, scrupulous about promoting Republican Congressional scandals.
They assured us that they would do this if it were Democrats, too -- they were only interested in a good story.
Well, there are now two (or three) serious Democratic scandals -- one dealing with sex in Mark Foley's own district; the other less sexy but far more substantive, regarding the Democrats' responsibility for the Subprime fiasco -- and they don't seem as "only interested in a good story" as previously alleged.
Unless you take "good story" to mean "a story which hurts Republicans." Which is, in fact, exactly how they mean it.