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October 18, 2008
NYT Reporter Jodi Kantor Trolls Schoolchildren on Facebook to Dig Dirt on Cindy McCain
The following Facebook message was sent to a 16 year old classmate of McCain's daughter Bridget.
Jodi Kantor
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September 29 at 7:21pm
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I saw on facebook that you went to Xavier, and if you don't mind, I'd love to ask you some advice about a story. I'm a reporter at the New York Times, writing a profile of Cindy McCain, and we are trying to get a sense of what she is like as a mother. So I'm reaching out to fellow parents at her kids' schools. My understanding is that some of her older kids went to Brophy/Xavier, but I'm trying to figure out what school her 16 year old daughter Bridget attends-- and a few people said it was PCDS. Do you know if that's right? Again, we're not really reporting on the kids, just seeking some fellow parents who can talk about what Mrs. McCain is like.
Also, if you know anyone else who I should talk to-- basically anyone who has encountered Mrs. McCain and might be able to share impressions-- that would be great.
Thanks so much for any help you can give me.
Jodi Kantor
Political correspondent
New York Times
212 556 4596
Meanwhile, not a single reporter has bothered asking anyone -- like, adults -- about the open secret that Bill Ayers babysat for Obama's kids.
So why doesn't McCain make an issue of this?
Oh, mercy, they are.
In a letter to the NYT, a McCain staffer notes "You have not tried to find Barack Obama's drug dealer."
It is worth noting that you have not employed your investigative assets looking into Michelle Obama. You have not tried to find Barack Obama’s drug dealer that he wrote about in his book, Dreams of My Father. Nor have you interviewed his poor relatives in Kenya and determined why Barack Obama has not rescued them. Thus, there is a terrific lack of balance here.
I suggest to you that none of these subjects on either side are worthy of the energy and resources of The New York Times. They are cruel hit pieces designed to injure people that only the worst rag would investigate and publish. I know you and your colleagues are always preaching about raising the level of civil discourse in our political campaigns. I think taking some your own medicine is in order here.
The hell with his drug dealer. I want to know his babysitter was.
Or, actually, I already know.
I'd like to know why the NYT doesn't want to know.
Strike that -- I know the answer to that one, too.
Incidentally, why would the NYT attempt to reignite its discredited Vicky Isemann affair rumor now?
Gee, it's almost as if they know something might be on the horizon involving Obama.