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October 14, 2008
Something to Send a Little Thrill Up Your Leg (genghis)
(Yeah, it’s old, but I haven’t seen these photos of it before so STFU…indulge me here)
”Last month (April, ’08 ed.), the US Navy and General Dynamics took the lid off the new U.S.S. Independence littoral combat ship (LCS). This beast will sail close to the shore and throw everything imaginable at an enemy—from armored vehicles and helicopters to shells, torpedoes and missiles. Plus, it can hustle at a rumored 60 knots. Basically, that means the enemy will have a difficult time escaping the wrath of this mighty vessel no matter where they are.”
Story and more pics/diagrams
Ahh…that’s what I like…an affordable Star Destroyer. From the photo below it looks like they were actually building this beast in a hanger. I’m fairly sure this thing can launch itself into orbit. Rumour is that the top speed is 60 knots, which is roughly equivalent to warp 9.5. It reminds me somewhat of another ship which represented a similar leap in technology: This one.
I’m betting the Russians, Chinese and their Dominion allies are soiling themselves at the prospect of seeing this thing on the horizon. (Which they won’t because it’s also stealthy)
Much larger pic of the ship is here so you can revel in the freakish awesomeness of the thing. Print it out at poster size and tack it up on your wall. After all, isn’t it really about time you replaced that Farah Fawcett poster with something a little more current and sexy?
USS Independence sez: “That’s right…go ahead and fuck with me.”
PS: I'm not sure what Navy specs are for the height of ship rails, and there aren't any humans in the photo, but typically railings are between 36" and 42" high in the civvie world, so picture that as more than half a person standing behind the top deck railing in order to get a sense of scale. Also, I've come to the opinion that the ship should've been named "Animal Mother," but the USMC doesn't get to pick ship names since the swabbies just consider them cargo. Feel free to have a flame war regarding that topic. I'm an Army brat so I could care less.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:28 AM
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