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Obama Sets Preconditions for Meeting with Iran
Correction: Iran Sets Preconditions for Meeting with Obama »
October 13, 2008
National Enquirer Hit: Obama's Mentor, Communist Frank Marshall Davis, a Pedophile and Pervert
Hillbuzz was exactly right about this story-- they said it would involve homosexuality. I didn't link them, because I didn't believe them.
But that's because I didn't understand the angle they were going for.
So, yeah, Obama's mentor, pervert, pedophile, pinko.
No, this is not the girlfriend story or the other story, obviously. I was sort of confused when Hillbuzz said a story would come out this week about a "sex scandal" with male names. I thought they were so hopelessly off-base I didn't bother linking them. Now I get it.
Thanks to Confederate Yankee. He notes the story is old; the Telegraph ran a similar one. So what, I say. It's new to me.