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October 05, 2008
Sarah Palin In Flyover Country [Vinnie]
Like commenter Jim62sch, I'm in Omaha. Unlike him, however, I didn't make it to the rally tonight.
Even though Ace managed to make a Palin rally 3000 miles away and I couldn't make one 10 miles away doesn't make me totally worthless, however (hey, I did an Overnight Thread!).
So, to take advantage of the last few minutes of Open Blog, here's the video of her appearance in Omaha today.
Part 1.
Part 2.
As a hat tip to the eyewitness, jim62sch's comment under the fold.
10 I just got home from watching her appearance in Omaha, where I had a total fanboy moment shaking her hand! She used this line about the Real Obama tonight also, I believe, and tied him to Bill Ayers by name. Very popular with the crowd.
The McCain campaign should have booked a bigger venue...she was in the Music Hall of the Omaha Civic Auditorium, which holds around 2,500. I arrived 3 hours before the event to find a block-long line...I was one of the last couple hundred people to get in, and the line behind me still was a couple blocks long, so thousands were turned away.
The obligatory Obama counter-demonstration across the street from the Auditorium was pretty pathetic - about 15-20 Obamabots. We had fun yelling "Nobama" and "Hussein" across the street at them. Looking at their signs, they seemed to have a real problem with her debate wink - one sign said "Winky Dink" and another said "Don't You Wink At Me Ever". There was guy with a sign that said "Vote 3rd Party Just To Screw With Things", but the Obamabots exiled him down the street once they realized what his sign said.
The welcome for her was fanatically enthusiastic. She was introduced by a bevy of local Nebraska and Iowa Congresscritters, along with Bush's Secretary of Agriculture, who is a former Nebraska governor running for the Senate seat being vacated by Chuck Hagel. Hagel himself thankfully did not show his face (I think he's in the tank for Obama anyhoo.)
The theme music before and after her appearance was "Life Is A Highway" - not sure why. No "Barracuda" music, doggone it. Sarah looked fantastic in a charcoal skirt and jacket, and patent-leather knee boots with spike heels (yowza). Aside from a few references to Nebraska (the local college team at the University of Nebraska Omaha are called the "Mavericks", and they presented her with a football jersey) it was mostly the same speech she gave in Carson. The crowd loved every word and booed at every Obama/Biden/MSM reference. Lots of veterans and active-duty military were there from nearby Offutt Air Force Base, she gave them a shout-out.
All in all it was a fun rally. I particularly liked that it opened with everyone in the audience singing the National Anthem, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Midwesterners aren't shy about their patriotism, and they also aren't shy about showing some Palinmania.
Now excuse me, I have to figure out how I can get by with never washing my hand again.
posted by xgenghisx at
11:15 PM
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