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October 05, 2008
Heartache: We're Irritating the Taliban
Bad manners. Killin em and all that.
The Taliban is "furious" with us and our insistence over the dead-ness of our enemies hiding across the border of Pakistan.
DERA ISMAIL KHAN (AP): Two people wounded in a suspected U.S. missile strike in Pakistan's northwest have died, raising the death toll to 24 in an assault that has deeply angered the Taliban, officials said on Sunday.
The U.S. has ramped up cross-border strikes on alleged al-Qaida and Taliban targets along Pakistan's side of the border with Afghanistan, straining the two nations' anti-terrorism alliance.
Feelings are mussed.
The intelligence officials, who received their information from informants and agents in the field, said the Taliban appeared to have been particularly angry over the latest strike, a signal that a senior militant may have been killed.
You know, when there's some killin that has to be done, it makes me sad we have to do it in a way that makes our targets enemies good sporty sports over this recent unpleasantness so darned upset with us like this. I so hoped we could do it in a way that made them shrug their shoulders in the spirit of manly conflict, and say "well, heck. Those doggone Americans are messin us up, but you know, you win a few, you lose a few. You think the Red Sox can go all the way?"
It's not personal guys. It's just, you know, killin your sorry asses and all that.
No hard feelings?

posted by Dave In Texas at
07:41 PM
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