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October 04, 2008
College Football Open Thread (genghis)
UPDATED: Now with politics!
Because Notropis just couldn't help himself/herself/itself and I'm too lazy to make another post. So this is now a combo football/political open thread.
Note: comments will disappear for a bit right after the update. They return as soon as soon as somebody puts up a new one. So don't start whining about how your comments have been deleted. They haven't, you bunch of damn crybabies and Longhorns (I guess that was redundant).
Better late than never. What can I say? I’m hungover. So are you. If you aren’t, get the fuck off of my obstacle! I mean, uh…thread!
Bevo, mascot of the University of Texas Longhorns

posted by xgenghisx at
03:03 PM
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