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Ohio vote fraud begins in earnest »
October 02, 2008
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You can consider this another overnight thread, just because I'm feeling like a pain in the ass today.
Ace is undoubtedly still abed anyway, snuggled into a smelly pile of rags gleaned from an untold number of hobo corpses. The feisty ones, that is. The ones who earned his respect before their last rattle. Not just anybody can be a trophy, you know.
Yeah, he's sentimental like that. That's just between you and me, K?
Here's your dumpage.
A chill wind blows through Mother Russia.
A young Russian soldier who made a rap video about poor conditions in his barracks has been sent to Siberia.
Lieutenant Vitaly Efremov took the YouTube approach to complaining after becoming frustrated with the state of his accommodation near St Petersburg.
When scandals like Walter Reed break in the U.S., there's a general public brouhaha in support of better conditions for our military men and women. People resign or get fired. Then things get fixed, or even razed and rebuilt. It's just a horrid mess, the way things are done over here.
In Russia, clear-eyed leaders instantly get to the real root of the problem; whistleblowers.
Here's one about love and how to get a girl 'in the mood.'
A Fort Myers man shot himself in the arm after his girlfriend refused to have sex with him, police said.
The passion!
Nothing arouses the feminine libido like gunshots in the next room, am I right? The article doesn't say if Dr. Foreplay McTeaser got any that night but I can't see how he could have missed. So to speak.
This one's pretty good.
A West Virginia man who police said passed gas and fanned it toward a patrolman has been charged with battery on a police officer.
Daaaamn. That had to be some scorching gas. But the police officer should consider himself lucky.
If that had been my Dad after a hearty breakfast of eggs and sausage, the cop's face would have melted like he just saw the Ark of the Covenant. If he survived, he would now be talking out of a device installed in whatever was left of his neck.
What's up in Moron Nation this lovely day? Got any fun news you'd like to share with us?
Put me some knowledge, sweeties.
posted by Laura. at
10:42 AM
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