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October 01, 2008
Claire McCaskill: Joe Biden Sometimes Says Things That are "Kinda Stupid"
Well. Gee. Someone noticed.
Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., today told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that the American people don't know much about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin “and she is now being thrust on a stage without a script and everyone is curious about how much she knows."
More pointedly, McCaskill said of Palin's opponent, Sen. Joe Biden, Del., that he “has a tendency to talk forever and sometimes say things that are kind of stupid.”
“He a regular guy and … he doesn’t parse his words and he’s not hyper-careful,” she said. “He’s very authentic."
She then seemed to regret what she'd said.
“I was probably having a Joe Biden moment myself,” McCaskill said of her candid moment minutes before.
Jake Tapper notices, but then, he does a fairly admirable job of separating his politics from his job.
I can't say "no one" in the media notices this -- but it seems pretty indisputable that the media is not exactly on Joe Biden Gaffe Patrol, as they are as regards Sarah Palin.
Obama's made a lot of gaffes himself. The media never reports those. Slate does not run "Obamaisms" as they did with "Bushisms." To do so would be racist.