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October 01, 2008
Must Read: Half of Obama's Entire Campaign Warchest May Come Illegally Come from Foreign Sources
May come. But there is proof at least much of it comes from foreigners, and because Obama refuses basic disclosure, there's no way to tell about the rest.
Overstatement Alert: I'm warned that the headline overstates and misrepresents. I'm comfortable with it. We know at least a chunk of these small, undisclosed contributions are illegal and from foreign sources. Even with this knowledge in hand, Obama refuses general disclosure regarding them, refusing to afford anyone the opportunity to see if there are more "Mr. Good Wills" donating vast sums of money.
So up to half? Yes, up to half. Is it likely half? No. But given Obama's refusal to disclose where this money is coming from, he deserves the most adverse inference possible.
Prosecutors used to be allowed to say "You may read an adverse inference into the defendant's refusal to testify on his own behalf." That's not the law anymore (thanks, Brennan and Marshall and Warren!), but it's a sound rule.