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September 29, 2008
Republicans Blame Pelosi's Partisan Speech
Not smart by Pelosi, but also not smart to vote against a bill just because Granny Rictus McBotoxImplants is a bubbleheaded partisan whore.
Opponents said part of the reason for the opposition from Republicans was what they termed a partisan speech by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said one GOP source.
"Pelosi's partisan speech has caused our members to go berserk and may cost us any remaining chance to pass the bill," the source said.
DNC-Identified Jew Eric Cantor Holding Up the Speech... It was the "unpatriotic" that did it.
Incidentally, in case this joke is stale and people don't get why I'm calling Cantor a "DNC-Identified Jew:" the DNC released a negative "fact-sheet" about Cantor in which five of six bullet-points stated he was Jewish.
They apparently were really hoping that big negative -- J-E-W-! -- would hurt him in the upcoming election.