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May 25, 2008
Happy early Memorial Day 2008 [Alice H.]
I wasn't sure what to title this post, since I don't necessarily consider Memorial Day a 'happy' holiday, but then I remembered that at the Denver Memorial Day Parade yesterday there was a kid, about 8 years old, waving two flags and jumping up and down and screaming "HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!" for the entire duration of the parade. And it reminded me that, even though the holiday is a day for remembrance and grieving for the soldiers who gave their lives for our country and our freedom, that I'm awfully happy to be enjoying that freedom, and I know that each and every soldier who makes the sacrifice of enlisting will guarantee that freedom for our children at any cost.
So Happy Memorial Day.
And yeah, I know this is early, but I figured Sunday morning posting will be light anyway, and you morons will need something to read.
There are more pictures from the parade at my blog. Unlike Chad, I'm not ashamed to cheaply pander myself.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:13 PM
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