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May 21, 2008
Unnamed Clinton Loyalists: 2008 Election is Already Stolen By "Katharine Harris-Type" Republicans
Well! They're not waiting this time, are they?
[Andrea Mitchell:] "Other Clinton loyalists, but realists, say that that electoral map is a stretch in one regard: There are ... Republican governors and Secretaries of State, if you will, Katherine Harris-type election officials in those states. ... [Obama] has to go up against the establishment, which would be Republican, and he has to figure out a way to get a fair vote, if he's the nominee, in those red states."
Hillary's folks are pretty much throwing any crap and hoping it will stick.
Note that Andrea Mitchell gives this theory of the election-already-stolen a nonjudgmental reading, and in fact calls those pushing this rather premature conspiracy theory "realists."
Because we all know that most election fraud doesn't go on in big cities (such as, um, Chicago) where Democrats' political machines still operate. It goes on in small towns and suburbs where Republicans tend to hold more offices.