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May 13, 2008
San Francisco to install "homeless" parking meters
Just another insane leftard feel good measure for sure.
Rather than tossing loose change into a panhandler's empty cup, San Francisco officials want you instead to slide your spare quarters and nickels into a homeless meter.
The city's latest attempt to deal with one of its most vexing problems will be announced in coming weeks in the form of 10 old parking meters installed in some of the most heavily panhandled areas, The Chronicle has learned.
Money deposited in the meters would go directly to charities that help the homeless...
Since these aren't even parking meters that actually give you parking time, the reception is likely to be rather muted as is suggested later on in the article. I was particularly impressed with this astute observation by one of the people who had commented on this harebrained scheme:
alurker 5/12/2008 8:44:25 PM
when a $6 billion a year city government decides to compete with the homeless for your spare change ... ... well, that's just pathetic.