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May 13, 2008
Hillary Wins West Virginia
As expected a blow out for Hillary.
MSNBC, when they aren't openly mocking her for staying in the race, says it might be a 2-1 margin.
Apparently her upcoming speech is being billed as her best ever. I am not sure what that means but there you go.
Speech Update:
Meh, nothing to new or interesting. She's says nice things about the Obamassiah, pushes for Michigan and Florida and claims the nominee needs the original number of delegates to win nomination, not the lower one Obama and everyone else says is needed.
Now she's launching into the 'I can win the swing states that have to be one and Obama can't' appeal to the Supers.
It's a lawyerly argument saying, 'you may love the other guy but he isn't going to get you to the promised land'.
Nothing all that new.
So, what will it take to get Hillary over the top or out of the race?
How great is this? While talking to Sen. Casey of Pennsylvania Chris Matthews dropped this little gem in reference to Clinton's use of the term 'white, working class voters', “It’s almost like she’s the Al Sharpton of white people”
Hillary must be wondering how the hell she suddenly became a Republican.
BREAKING NEWS (MUST CREDIT AoS HQ): Megyn Kelly is NOT (repeat NOT) wearing the hot librarian glasses tonight. I'll still be in my bunk but it might be for a little longer then last week.

posted by DrewM. at
07:37 PM
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