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May 10, 2008
Woman Finds Naked Stranger On Her Toilet [Nice Deb]
How would you like to come home from work, and find a total stranger in your bathroom, on your toilet, "doing his business"? (Excellent mugshot at link).
That's what happened to Lisa Bess, who called the police when she saw that her bathroom door was closed, and could hear water running from inside.
When Ocala police officers kicked open the door to her bathroom at about 5 p.m., she had her answer: A man had found the extra key outside, let himself in, picked out a new outfit of her clothes to wear and took a long hot shower. They found him sitting naked on the bathroom toilet.
"There was still a stench of my body lotion; actually, water was still draining from the bathtub," Bess said. "And he was refusing to get off the toilet until he finished doing his business."
Now that's what I call a home invasion.
The time in the house gave him a chance to shower up, using Bess' Victoria's Secret lavender body wash, and shave. She could smell her body wash in the air and said there was still steam on the bathroom mirror.
"He was perfectly clean cut when we saw him, but he was wearing our clothes," she said. "I couldn't tell you what underwear he was wearing, but I don't think I want to know."
No one was hurt during the altercation, and Wilkerson was taken to the Marion County Jail.
Bess said, other than the clothes he was wearing, Wilkerson took nothing else from the home. She said she won't mind if she doesn't get the clothes back.
"It was scary, but it was so funny, too," she said. "I couldn't be mad at him because I was laughing so hard."
This happened in Florida, by the way. I think 95% of the news of the weird type stories happen there. Lotta crazy people in Floriduh, as PJ Momma likes to say.
Hat Tip: Crime Scene KC

posted by xgenghisx at
09:29 PM
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