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Indiana Isn't In The Bag For Hillary Yet
UPDATE: Fox Finally Calls Indiana For Hillary at 1:14 AM, With Narrow 22,000 Vote Victory »
May 06, 2008
Hmmm: Harold Ickes Attempts Moving the Goalposts; Claims 2,209 Delegates Needed to Clinch, Not the 2,025 People Have Been Accepting For.... um, Ever
His reasoning? The 2,025 figure excludes Michigan and Florida from the total number of delegates (2,025 equals half of all delegates minus MI and FLA), and he says you have to include Florida's and Michigan's totals before you halve it.
So voila. 2,209.
Kind of late in the game to note a change in the how many innings per game, huh?
Thanks to DrewM.
With North Carolina headed to the Obama column that dream was dashed. On the other hand, squinting at the Indiana returns trickling in, Mrs Clinton was daring to hope she had avoided the calamity of a double-loss. As she calculates she has done well enough to hang on she will begin to focus more than ever on persuading remaining uncommitted superdelegates to come to her side. They will be her only hope of vaulting past Mr Obama for the crown.
The game had started last night with her campaign manager, Geoff Garin, suggesting the winning post for the nomination should no longer be 2,025 delegates but 2,208. He reached the figure by including delegates from Michigan and Florida, the states disqualified from the process because they voted early.
His remarks were a reminder that the Michigan-Florida quandary may quickly consume the Democratic Party. But one Obama supporter, Allan Katz, a member of the party's national committee, counterattacked. "When you totally ignore the rules, letting these people change the outcome, that doesn't pass the straight-face test," he said.
Thanks to Gabriel Malor.