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April 28, 2008
Reverend Wright: "I served in the Military, but Cheney didn't!"
Congratulations, Reverend Wright. You've joined an elite group of national figures who received Absolute Moral Authority because of their military service:
Lee Harvey Oswald. He was a fellow Marine, and showed the Country what one motivated Marine and his rifle can do.
Timothy McVeigh. It's a little known fact that McVeigh was the captain of his company's debate team. His "Oh yeah, well I'll just blow up your effing building! How do you like THEM apples?" strategy is still legendary in all branches of the service (and is currently taught at all the Service Academies).
Benedict Arnold. His love for America caused him to betray it to the British. I guess he thought that an America that refused to elevate him to Commander of the Continental Army would be an imperfect form of government to hand down to their descendants.
Jesse McBeth. McBeth overcame massive obstacles (his colossal douchebaggery, combined with the minor point of his lack of real military service) to become on of the American Left's leading authorities on war crimes and the proper method to skewer little brown babies on bayonets.
If you add Reverend Wright to that list, I'm sure it's only a matter of time until some Lefty proposes carving all of their likenesses into a hunk of granite somewhere. My guess? Either within the City Limits of Greater San Francisco, or maybe somewhere in the neighborhood of Seattle.
posted by Russ from Winterset at
12:53 PM
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