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Reverend Wright: "I served in the Military, but Cheney didn't!" »
April 28, 2008
Jeremiah Wright: Blacks' Brains Are Just Wired Differently
Adolf Hitler: You're Preaching to the Converted, Buddy
Strange bedfellows.
Actually, not so strange, on second thought. All racists must, at some point, argue for the exceptionalism of the race they deem exceptional.
And of course they then have to get around to mentioning that Jews are vile schemers plotting to retard and undermine the Master Race.
Done and done, says Jeremiah Wright.
More on Jeremiah Wright, expert on Differential Racial Cognitive Processes, from Hot Air. And still more at NR.
Basically Jeremiah Wright is making a warmed-over "Sun People" (blacks) vs. "Ice People" (whites) argument, as first seen, in the nineties, from "professor" Leonard Jeffries:
Leonard Jeffries (born January 19, 1937) is an American professor in the Black Studies department at the City College in Harlem who achieved national prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s for his antisemitic views. He was quoted in the New York Times saying that "rich Jews who financed the development of Europe also financed the slave trade." The New York Post quoted him lecturing that Jews controlled the slave trade, and that they use their control of Hollywood to promote the subservience of blacks in the modern day.
After a lengthy legal battle that was appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, Jeffries lost his chairmanship of the Black Studies department. He remains a professor at CCNY, and continues to promote his views on the alleged perfidious nature of Jews.
He also stirred controversy with his analysis of whites as "ice people" who are violent and cruel, while blacks are "sun people" who are compassionate and peaceful.[1] He further claims that blacks are superior to whites because of their higher melanin levels[2]. In an interview in Rutherford Magazine May 1995 Jeffries further expanded on his racial views when asked what kind of world he world want to leave to his children, he answered: "A world in which there aren’t any white people"[3].
Jeffries also caused controversy in 1991 when he said that the 1986 Challenger Space Shuttle disaster was "the best thing to happen to America in a long time," as it would stop white people from "spreading their filth through the universe."[1]
He also referred to one of his critics as a "debonair Texas Jew," once again drawing from the same poisonous well that Wright (and his disciple Obama) drinks from.
This is not just "stupid and wicked," as Christopher Hitchens bluntly and aptly termed Wright's various dementias, it's incredibly dangerous to the interests of black people: If it is true that there are genuine cognitive differences between the coldly logical and analytical "Ice People" and the warm, compassionate, musical/oral "Sun People," that means that in fact there is a good, legitimate, rational and scientific basis for favoring whites for certain jobs over blacks.
And blacks over whites for other jobs, but I can assure these crackpot racists that far more jobs demand "Ice People" brains than "Sun People" brains.
So, what? Whites will get all the accounting jobs, all the financial analysis jobs, all the corporate business jobs, all the computer programming and website construction and data management jobs, all the technical jobs from phone line repair to plumbing, all the math and science and engineering jobs, and blacks will in turn get... um, the rapper jobs and "Spoken Word Poetry Jam" slots?
Now, if I were myself a white racist, I would say I accept your deal in principle; let's just divvy up the borderline cases and be done with it.
I'll gladly sell out Eminem. I never got on that bandwagon anyhow. Put him into trade school and give him an honest Ice People job like Heat & Air Conditioning installation and maintenance.
He'll make far less money, and will not be nearly as happy as he is now as famous rap-star, but at least he'll have the deep satisfaction of being true to his racial/genetic tribe.