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April 23, 2008
Robocop, Basic Instinct Director Paul Verhoeven Claims In "Realistic" Biography That Jesus Is Not the Son of God, But the Son of a Roman Soldier Who Raped Mary
Ho-hum. Another shocker.
Not satisfied with disputing Jesus' divine paternity, the book also predictably champions Judas Iscariot. Wow, I didn't see that one coming.
Via The Corner, which notes this isn't even a novel idea. It was done in Life of Brian. Sort of.
Major Correction: Allah points out that this isn't a movie. It's a book. So all that stuff I wrote five minutes ago about investors in the "movie"? Nevermind.
Okay, New Point Then: Since my first point was, um, inapplicable -- my job is writin' shit, not readin' shit -- let's try this one.
Why does the left keep offering these sorts of works? Because they feel Christianity is dangerous, oppressive, and causes all sorts of social ills, predominant among them, a belief in Christ, but other pathologies as well (conservatism, patriotism, skepticism of the UN and socialism, etc.).
So they keep attempting to undermine Christianity in the belief that if they can just stop people from bitterly clinging to Christ, they'll then stop bitterly clinging to, say, their paychecks, and will be willing to sign them over to the benevolent OmniState.
Such political pathologies are the symptoms; Christianity is the disease.
Note that a much more persuasive case can be made along those lines regarding oppressive, aggressive, anti-modern political Islam -- but no one in Paul Verhoeven's social circles is willing to undermine any of the foundational myths of Islam, now are they?