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April 08, 2008
Jay Rockefeller: McCain, Like Most Military Pilots, Doesn't Care About the Innocent Civilians He Thoughtlessly Murders
First ever Douche of the Week, by
He also accuses J-Mac of using laser-guided bombs back in 'Nam, which, if true, would mean that John McCain is in fact industrialist genius Tony Stark.
In the Charleston Gazette Sunday, Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, who has endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said that Sen. John McCain “has a temper” and, according to the story, “believes McCain has become insensitive to many human issues.
“McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit. What happened when they [the missiles] get to the ground? He doesn’t know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues.”
He's now apologized for his remarks, claiming "of course" he "respects" McCain's "honorable" service.
Apart from that bit about not caring about murdering people, of course. I guess he respects all the other callous murderers in the AF and Navy aviation corps just as much.
Supportin' the troops, supportin' the troops.
If you stay in school, you'll do well; if you don't, you'll end up Senator Jay Rockefeller, semi-retarded inbred-WASP in the one of the world's cushiest Daddy-Got-Me jobs.
LauraW... writes:
"Jay, I bet you can't say anything so outlandish and retarded that it actually causes conservatives to defend McCain."
--"You're ON."