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Ace makes the big TIME [krakatoa] »
April 07, 2008
Who said that? [krakatoa]
"I think it's outrageous that someone who is the head of Bear Stearns cashes in millions and millions of dollars in stocks. And I think it's unconscionable when the guy who apparently is the head of Countrywide and his co-conspirators [how very Murtha-esque - ed]make huge amounts of money while Americans are facing the threat of losing their own homes..."
That's right, our nominee, John McCain(r-himself).
I actually believe there does need to be some tightened oversight of public corporations, especially given that the rules & restrictions that banks were working under when they got themselves into this crisis are more than half a century old, well before the trade mechanisms which were taken advantage of to float the current mess were invented.
I think that's an accurate statement anyway -- I could be way off on that, but I'm jonesing for a hobo, and my mind is more than a little preoccupied.
I'd like to see something a bit more specific from McCain, and less leftist populism. I think I'm going to be disappointed, but hardly surprised, at whatever is solution turns out to be.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:08 AM
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