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April 04, 2008
Top Obama Iraq Adviser: Hey Maybe We Should Stay In Iraq
Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has the story.
Aside from putting the lie to Obama’s misrepresentation of McCain’s “100 years” comment, I think the title of the paper it self is remarkable, “Stay on Success: A Policy of Conditional Engagement.” Success? In Iraq? Can the Obamassiah himself commit such heresy?
It should be amusing watching the Obama camp tangle themselves in knots trying to explain how this policy is any different than what McCain and President Bush advocate.
I think it’s pretty clear that no serious minded person honestly thinks we can pull out of Iraq in they way Clinton and Obama say they will. Not even Clinton and Obama.
Naturally, that won’t stop either one of them from lying to their lunatic base about it. Quite the profiles in courage these Democrats cut.

posted by DrewM. at
10:57 AM
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