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March 23, 2008
No-Match Letters Back on the Table
On Friday, DHS issued a supplemental rulemaking for the No-Match Rule that was enjoined by U.S. District Court Judge Charles Breyer back in the fall. The No-Match rule is opposed by a coalition of labor and civil liberties groups who cannot agree on much except how very much they love underpaid illegals.
The Bush administration yesterday renewed its drive to crack down on U.S. companies that hire illegal immigrants by slightly altering an earlier initiative stalled by a federal judge since last September.
If the new proposal satisfies the court, the government could begin warning 140,000 employers in writing as early as June about suspect Social Security numbers used by their employees and force businesses to resolve questions about their identities or fire them within 90 days.
Gainful U.S. employment is one of the major factors contributing to illegal immigration (possibly the most important). Until we control it, we won't control our own borders.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
10:32 PM
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