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March 23, 2008
The Easter Bunny Hates Obama [McGurk]
Happy Easter, morons. Here's a basket of green plastic grass and schandenfreude for you to enjoy.
The Oblammo (see, its blowing up, get it?) campaign has been severely butthurt over the whole passport fiasco for the past week. They've been calling for investigations and spouting off the usual self-righteous bullshit. For example, some douchebag over at the Obama campaign named Bill Burton got his hose clamp undone and spouted
This is an outrageous breach of security and privacy, even from an administration that has shown little regard blah blah yadda yadda I'm a douchebag look at me lol j/k
Apparently ObamaJesusSaviorOurLord should have stuck Burton's nozzle deep in somewhere it couldn't spew because at least one of the snoopers turns out to work for an advisor on the Obama campaign.
Now the question becomes: whose passports did this tool of the Obama campaign snoop on, by whose orders was this done, and exactly what does el baggo de los doochos Burton think about that?
I tell ya, folks, I can hardly wait until the convention. The way things are going now, its almost guaranteed that the superdelegates will break for Hillarity!. And you know what that means, don't you?
I can hardly wait. Christmas is coming twice this year!

posted by xgenghisx at
08:06 PM
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