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March 12, 2008
Racism: Photoshopped Rolling Stone Cover Suggests Obama Is Steamy-Sweaty, Possibly Radioactive

For how long will the racist media trade in age-old stereotypes about black physicality and bioluminescence?
God, it looks like Jack Kirby illustrating a William Faulkner novel.
I've changed my mind: I want Obama as the Democratic nominee. Not only is he much more beatable than I first thought -- corruption, that Marxist harpy of a wife -- but the media bias should he prevail will be (licks fingers) muah!, magnifique.
They're already melting the fuck down and the guy hasn't even beat the Yoko Ono of politics.
Well I guess Yoko Ono is the Yoko Ono of politics, too. The Yoko Ono of the Clinton Family Band, then.
I would not miss the media's full-on self-bukake for Obama for all the artificial vaginas in Japan.
They're already embarrassed by their own behavior -- but they can't help it. An Obama candidacy just might be the only thing capable of convincing these strutting ponce-buffoons of how foul, incompetent, and repulsively stupid they actually are.
Separated At Birth? DC Comics hero Black Lightning, who I think we used to know on SuperFriends as "Black Vulcan."
On the SuperFriends, Black Vulcan was there almost entirely because he was black. He basically did nothing at all except occasionally mouth gauzy inspirational platitudes.
Though they say he could electrify an audience.
No relation, I'm sure.
Judge Men By the Content of their Character, Not By the Electrostatic Buildup in their Clothing: Retired (not gay) writes:
All these halos, nimbuses, and cracklin' orgones in every big-media Obama photograph - that's not messianism, that's racism. Their inevitable appearance on the cover of the Honky Bible is just more evidence that America is still in thrall to the hoary white myth that black people don't use fabric softener.
My God, it's 2008, not 1958! Some of my best friends are black, and they almost all use StaticGuard!
Bigger Pic swiped from an Onion blog (I think), which also busts on Rolling Stone for their pot-addled religious zealotry.