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February 21, 2008
Hope and 35 Years of Fighting Come to Texas
A debate in Austin tonight, that appears almost meaningless now. Unless she's bloodthirsty or insane (I have not ruled those out), Hillary understands that ripping the nomination from Obamarama would implode the Democrats.
Too bad. I kinda hoped she'd wig out on "IT'S MINE DAMMIT" and watch the fun, but I don't think it's gonna happen. It would be fun (and by fun I mean, "Fun! Like drinking a quart of Valu-Rite and holding a "how many coasters can I staple to my testicles?" contest would be fun) to watch the goofballs in Austin watch the debate. I'll see if I can catch the highlights tonight.
I still plan to vote for her on March 4, but I don't think it matters anymore.
Still, she had that certain, something.

Eve-rything's com-ing up ro-ses!

posted by Dave In Texas at
06:07 PM
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