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February 20, 2008
Caruso Thread Closed
Well, that was strange.
I shouldn't have posted that link in the first place. I just thought it was odd that Caruso had a hate site against him. Plus I'm sort of fascinated with the sunglasses off/sunglasses on thing.
If you read the comments to the thread, it looks like the hate-site writer came in and posted under a lot of aliases here (the bjMoP hash comes up again and again).
Sarkhanne says she's a stalker, which, you know, strikes me as a no-brainer; who else makes a single-person hate site? At least cast the net a little wider and make it the Catholics or the Jews or something. Have some ambition.
He predicted she would just keep posting here and she seems to have done so.
Anyway, I thought the link was worthwhile just for its oddness, but it seems to have opened up a big can of strange I don't need, so I shut comments down there and took down the link. I'm getting a Deb Frisch vibe which I should have seen coming.
Thanks to everyone who alerted me to the weirdness going on in the comments.