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February 20, 2008
Foot Mystery
Also from gengis comes this story about right feet in running shoes washing up in British Columbia. And, yes, it's as weird as it sounds.
The first foot was found washed ashore on Jedediah Island on Aug. 20, and six days later a second was found on Gabriola Island.
Both were in size-12 runners. No information on the size of the shoe of the third foot has been released.
When the second foot was found, an RCMP spokesman listed the odds of that happening as being a "million to one."
What the odds are for three right feet in running shoes showing up within about 40 miles of each other within six months is anyone's guess.
Ebbesmeyer said the fact they are all right feet is intriguing.
No kidding. Well, once you get past the fact that there are feet washing up on your islands! And they're still wearing shoes!
So what do you guys think? Serial killer with a lefty foot fetish? Ace has an international hobo-killing competitor with a new calling card?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
04:01 AM
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