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January 13, 2008
I am Burning My Chuck Taylor's - [Liberrocky]
Well I would be if I still had a pair of Chuck Taylor's.
Converse has a new paint-by-numbers controversial commercial that shows the face of a beauty queen and Michael Mooreish clap-trap that goes something like this:
...blah blah blah Continue in this so-called democracy, and you may just stop thinking for yourself. That’s when you are officially dead. blah blah blah...Buy converse shoes
My first instinct was to throw a rant that be similar to this:
Converse, let me tell you a little secret....YOU ARE A GODDAMN SHOE COMPANY! The whole reason you exist is to make money. You are as much tools of the capitalist system as blah blah blah....And what are you implying in this commercial, that one can be raised from the dead by buying your craptacular shoes? Who do you think you are Jesus? George Romero? blah blah blah...
But then I thought, Why give 'em the satisfaction?
OK I'll admit it I sort of accidentally on purpose ignored the reality tv part of the commercial.

posted by xgenghisx at
11:27 PM
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