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January 13, 2008
Hydrogen Highway Program 0; Objective Reality 1
Without customers to serve, fuel stations can't stay in business.
With other technologies like gasoline hybrids commercially available, critics say the difficulties in establishing a hydrogen infrastructure are an indicator that money might be better spent on other kinds of vehicles.
"It is imperative that we return to implementing the most proven alternative-fuel options now, possibly integrating others as they become viable," said Chelsea Sexton of Plug In America, a group backing battery-powered and plug-in hybrid technology. "These new developments underscore just how dubious it is for near-term hydrogen-powered vehicles to be widely available."
But utter pointlessness never stopped anyone with public money at their disposal.
For now, the state says it will continue its effort to expand the number of hydrogen stations; this year it plans to call for proposals for $7.7 million to create three installations and update existing ones.
Someone has to tell these jackholes that Field of Dreams was just a movie.
'If you build it, they will come' is not always such a good justification for public projects.

posted by Laura. at
10:57 PM
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